In Other News . . .

Saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday. It's actually a Dreamworks animated movie with a story not dependant on double-entendre and pop culture references. I think I like that. Also saw it in a theater filled with kids; I think that was part of what made it so enjoyable for me, actually. I was probably laughing just as much as they were . . . also, mad props for having animals using the Shaolin animal styles in the movie done by the actual animals - that was a very good call. In fact, it was so good that I'm so sad that Red is gonna be at camp for the rest of the summer instead of seeing Angelina Jolie's "Tigress" in the movie. Seriously all I could think of the whole time.

Umm . . . other than that . . . things seem to be goin' alright all around more or less. This is never a bad thing.

Oh, one thing: we still need a Tuesday guest poster!

Other than that, Adam and I are hitting the dragonboat festival today. That should be pretty good - here's hoping I don't sleep in.
