Ah, There's The Silver Lining . . .

"Silver lining is that in the age of Facebook, Twitter, and cell phone cameras, we'll have a lot more identifying of the idiots running around being fucktards. That would make me happy." (Myself, one day ago.)

Well, that was fast and quick to go. Social media, you are awesome.



And these are just a couple of a LOT of blogs keeping tabs on pictures and videos of people (and their faces) being fucktards. Some are straight up being recognized by other bloggers/viewers, others are just being sent in to the VPD with the thousands of other photos and videos they've already compiled.

Apparently, one dummy who's more or less become the posterboy for "idiots getting caught on camera" is completely done. People recognized him, named him, referred his old high school . . . and according to that Facebook wall, he has since turned himself in. Probably about as smart of a move as such an idiot can make at this point.

And y'know, it's really to feel bad about some of these people getting screencapped and such. It's just . . . I'll just give an example that's pretty popular right now:

External Image

Keep 'em coming, dumbasses.

Also on the subject of silver linings is this poor bastard for whom I've no sympathies and at whom I shall now laugh gleefully:

Ahh . . . that's cathartic.

Vancouver, British Columbia: picking itself up, one douchebag at a time . . .
