So in preparation for cosplay half a year in advance I'm exercising a little bit and I'm starting to pay more attention to what I eat. It's not quite a diet and I'm not going to call it that; we'll just say it's more of an awareness.
So like . . . don't drink pop if there's a better alternative, make sure to eat breakfast and to make it as filling as possible so you can eat smaller meals later in the day, try to cook more lean proteins for dinner like chicken breasts or tofu (and I should really try making fish some time) . . . I think some of it might be rubbing off from my older brother. He lost a fair bit of weight the past few months and he pretty much said all he did was watch what he ate a bit more. I suppose pregnant wife helps with that too, but yeah.
As for the exercise sorta-routine . . . I did hit a bit of a snag. As you know, I've taken it upon myself to do a set of 30-ish pushups or situps or leg-lifts or what have you during the anime openings as I watch Fairy Tail. It's a very long series, so I should be able to get a decent amount of work done.
I caught up. 98 episodes later and I've caught up. This is going to wreak havoc on my workout routine . . . well, it was a good few weeks, at least.
Maybe it's an excuse to finally watch Tiger and Bunny . . .