Super Fast Catch Up

Thanksgiving dinner back at the ancestral home on Sunday. Mom's birthday dinner and then exciting Kevin Ryan episode of Castle on Monday. Caught a cold somewhere in between. Supervisor went on vacation, left department in my hands. Played a bunch of Battlefield 3 beta. Completely caught up in Fairy Tail on all fronts. Watched a bunch of Japanese movies with my buddy who has a film course. Watched a couple hockey games with people. Made butter chicken with instant paste. Drank a ton of lemon and honey, sometimes with tea until I ran out on account that I've been sick. Friend lent me her Cold-FX and I now retell the story like she's a tsundere. Godson turned two and he crayoned on my shirt; I got him "Green Eggs And Ham" and a box of triangular-shaped crayons (for purposes of motor skill training).

Next weekend we have Bloodshots. And tomorrow Batman: Arkham City comes out. I'mma be busy the next while.

So yeah.
