Goo Gone hurts my brains . . .

Twice this week I've used Goo Gone on different things related to cosplay. Once it was to take the last of the barcode stickers off the golf tubes I made my bokken saya out of. Yesterday it was removing the sticky bits from a belt buckle after I pried the leather "Jack Daniels" detail off the front. Seriously, I'm really afraid this stuff'll break me somehow in the head . . .

Sooo yeah, Sakura-con's really really soon now and I'm still not planning far enough ahead for the site. Alright! Tomorrow I'll make an unofficial "Convention" World at least for the purposes of Sakura-con 2008. We can make a better one after that when we're not down to the wire.

I will say, though, that this year's Sakura-con meet-up should be pretty awesome. As long as we can find the people to come, we should have some fun. I hear there's some cool people flying in.

Last question I'll put forth to you guys:

Are these shoes or boots?

And now for grins, I'll show you the golf tube sword sheaths I made:

This week is going by too fast . . . and everyone's playing Brawl except me.
