The whole hotel-thing is leading to all kinds of interesting options.
- One of the Shinsengumi girls has 2 free room spots now, so if we need to we can cancel our room and go with her.
- Another group of people who are staying at Stupid Ed's house with me on the first and last night may be staying with relatives instead (based on whether their overly-concerned parents drive down with them or not); if they don't have to stay with us at Stupid-Ed's house, then it's more likely we'll go with Shinsengumi-girl.
- Miss Anonymous is currently in negotiations with her mother to let her stay at the hotel with us - that's cool, and if she does then we have reason to keep our room and just look for one more new roommate.
I suppose all things considering, this could be far worse of a situation. At least we have options and another week or so to start figuring things out.
So that said . . . is ANYONE else comin' to Sakura-Con?! C'mon, we need more people for the meetup!!!!
So that's Sakura-Con.
In other news, I've decided that whenever it is I get married, I may need to bring Rock Band . . . just sayin' . . .