Who Watches The Becky?

SomeGuy's Journal. March 9, 2009:

Snow everywhere. Pretty pissed off about that. Made me late for meeting Becky. Last chance to see her for a really long time too. Brought work clothes with me so I could go straight to work later in day.

Snowy roads plugged up. Streets of Vancouver not a good place to be when it snows. Drove into, over and through a park at one point; afraid car might be damaged from that.

Picked up Becky half an hour late. She was amused by her missing article of clothing. Didn't discuss it much beyond that.

Went to Denny's. Do love their breakfasts. Discussed Japanese classes, trips, and other things over coffee and pancakes. Meal ended faster than expected. Waitress casually wanted to rush us out, dropped bill long before we asked for it. Hurm. Denny's prompt as always; can't fault that.

Spent rest of morning driving around ancestral home. Showed off old schools, historic downtown, really good Greek restaurant. Drove back to Surrey to drop off Becky for rest of her last full day in Vancouver. Still sad we didn't have more time. Will need to remedy that in future. Had tons of fun with time we had. Would recommend Becky for anyone. Girl is extremely fun. Can't help but love her, really.

Gave me jellybeans to bring back home, thanked me for taking care of her this week. Wished her well on her grand trip, hugs and kisses.

Spent rest of afternoon moving around TVs and beds in ancestral home. Still sad no one took down Christmas lights. Makes us look bad. Lazy. Not good. Brother and I laughed a lot while moving things around. Reminded me of when I packed up in November. Brother didn't help me back then. Hurm. Also forgot to bring Watchmen book home for brother again. Told him I'd bring it Thursday.

Sunny rest of day, snows melted. Weather being stupid weird today.

Worked rest of evening. Mostly uneventful. Bought junk food. Missed having it around. Alexa will probably comment on transfats tomorrow night.

Got home finally. Chatted with people I hadn't seen in a while. Sad to hear rough times, but happy to hear of better days ahead. Wishing well for her. Also got idea for really stupid blog post. Started to work on that. Read other blogs.

Becky's blog says I was generally charming as all hell.


Finished posting. Happy. Post getting too long as is.

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