Since Des' asked: in the past, the dog has pooped in the hallway and outside my stepdad's office. So I'm wary of his barks now. Thus far we've kept it outside on the lawn like he's supposed to, though, so yay.
Today's the last day of house/dog-sitting for my brother. This is good, 'cause I crapped out his computer the other night. Now, technically it's totally not my fault that the Primary Slave drive is dying now and I can't really reboot anymore . . . honestly, I had a feeling that he probably had a ton of spyware on the machine as well, so y'know . . . still, though, it sucks to have these sorts of things happen on your watch.
Over the past week I watched all of Gunbuster and Gunbuster 2. Great shows, loved 'em both. OP to Gunbuster 2's stuck in my head now. I'm also totally stoked that I didn't have to buy these DVDs (thanks again Gail!), 'cause well . . . y'know, Bandai Visual-type prices and content and all . . . still, excellent series.
The Shinsengumi are all over theOtaku now and that excites me. We've got Schultzie's Shinsengumi HQ on one end with all kinds of fun potential and I can't wait to flood that badboy with all kinds of Bakumatsu goodness. On the other end, we have the OSCgumi, the Vancouver Shinsengumi Cosplay Group, who I convinced to set up a World here at theO - that one's gonn' be fun to mess around with as well . . . I mean, we freakin' have business cards and postcards in the work now!
What else, what else . . . a couple nights ago a bunch of theO staff had a Skype meeting. That was fairly productive and mostly fun. I imagine it'll get more productive with a couple more computer mics, though. So it's all good. 'Cause really, any chance to re-promote "World War Z" to people is always good.
"C.H.U.D." is an amazingly bad movie that I'm glad I watched.
That is all.