Got a lotta posting and uploading to do now . . . so let's get some quick thoughts out:
- No one asked for a picture, but more people recognized my Nathan Drake cosplay this time than last.
- We have a year to practice Rock Band for next time...
- I love having a camcorder now.
- Met Batou again, he's as fun as ever.
- I've humiliated a bunch of American Otakuites and am now debating whether to show how I did or not... 'cause I want to, but I won't if people aren't game for it.
- I love pub food.
- I'm also sad that I can't play Castle Crashers at Stupid Ed's house anymore.
- It was wonderful to meet another guy with a passion for Bon Jovi power ballads.
- "Crab Battle..."
- There are no Sackboys to buy out there!
- FUNimation is REALLY good at what they do now. I used to begrudge them for pandering and playing the big man... but they are just really, really smart about things they do and I can't help but respect that now.
- The Shinsengumi rocked ass and took names as per usual.
- I need to go for Korean Barbecue again sooner than later.
- Hit up a GameStop on the way home, picked up a couple Rock Band cymbals. I'm quite happy about that.
- Hit up a Jack in the Box on the way home. Amercs, y'know I love ya, but if THAT was what you consider "medium"... damn.
I'll start cutting some video together soon as I can.