Damn, I Miss Heroes . . .

I felt exhausted all day yesterday; that was kind of a bust. Ah well. In fact, just for that, I'm gonna intentionally not look at the keyboard or the monitor for the rest of this post.

Makes no logical sense for doing it, but I already kinda was as I was yawning, so I figure I'll keep up with it starting . . . right now.

Okay, so today I actually got a lot of DVD watching done in regards to that first set of Gunda Seed DVDs. Got through like, three discs, so that'd be about . . . a dozen or so episodes? I will say it's awesome that most ofthe discs in that set are five episodes apiece. Seropis;y., more anime should be like that . . .

Umm, other than that, I didn't really do anything else. Oh! Wait!!! I did do something useful! I finished editing a Sakura-Con video I was working on!

It's just two of the Shinsengumi people going through some slo-motion iaido stuff for the sake of the photographers, but I filmed it and put it to music. It seems okay enough, I suppose . . . and that said, I think I need to stop doing this ridiculous experiment and get back to looking at the screen - if I'm gonna link this correctly, I need to look, right?

Alright, looking now (and I promise I won't change anything) starting . . . . .


(Holy crap, I only made like, two mistakes . . . damn I'm good . . .)

Anyway, if you head over to the OSCgumi World, you can see the video there. And yes, if you look closely, you can see Shinigami in the background fighting a Menos.

That said . . . these Monday nights without Heroes is starting to get really lame. Seriously.
