Hey there~
It´s about time I start with little stories and pieces of information for my little babies which I have too many too (actually) count.
Random things will appear, too, so be aware~
Hey there~
It´s about time I start with little stories and pieces of information for my little babies which I have too many too (actually) count.
Random things will appear, too, so be aware~
- darkblue hair to green eyes
- lightblue skin
- black eyeballs
- red facial marks out of the eye
- sewn mouth
- he is mean and doesn´t trust humans -> he hates them
- prefers demons because he knows they are mean for a fact (nothing like humans that make you believe they are not)
- master of illusions and manipulation
- puts on an act in front of everyone, much like an entertainer
- can´t speak the truth or nicely
- he likes his solitude
- with his harsh manner of speaking he is the first Akumaou considers being a friend
- knows how to brawl, but prefers letting others fight for him
- Byakuya calls him Ara-tan
In the beginning, he was one of the first gods watching over the earth. But since he was an Aragami (wild god) not many knew of him, less praying for him. But since he was more for the animals and the nature and they respected him and all the other gods, he was good to go. He enjoyed being alive and loved humanity. After a long, long time, humanity began to change. They destroyed the nature, killed relentlessly without a reason and strated to blame the gods for their misbehaviour. He rebelled against them to make them realize, but humanity didnt believe in the old gods anymore. Apparently there was only ONE GOD. And that god showed himself to Aragami. But that one was no god, it was humanities greed and hate, all the sins together in one. And he was killed by that.
When he regained consciousness, he was in the demon-realm. Besides him was a beautiful woman. She sew his mouth together, while she told him that his name will be bestowed upon him directly into his head and that he was to never tell that name to anyone. She also told him to hide his rage, since he didnt have the strength yet to get revenge. Then she disappeared. While he wandered through this new world he got through using his head and pulling the demons along with his plans, making them fight in his stead. Akumaou met him and liked his guts and took him along to ease his boredness. Kishin didn´t care either way. When he met Byakuya, his hatred grew again and there was this urge to kill him. He tried using Akumaou, who did as he was told, even though he knew what the true intentions were. Fubuki fought for Byakuya and was on the verge of losing. Then Byakuya stepped in. He asked why an Aragami would use a demon to fight a demon. If he wanted his life he was willing to give it to him, he would not allow his loved one to be hurt. Surprised by this, somehow, all his rage and hatred was gone. Akumaou stoppped this fight and told those two, that he and Kishin would join them for their travel. Since Kishin had nothing-else to do he agreed. While on the journey, he began to trust humanity again, but Byakuya told him to not believe in all of them. It´s about evaluating every eand each of them alone and decide whether they are trustworthy. Upon hearing bits of Byakuya´s story, Kishin decided that he wouldn´t trust any human besides Byakuya.
The fateful day, Kishin was outside to keep the intruders away with Hibana and Tatsu, while the others went to help Byakuya and Fubuki. While fending them off, he felt the presence of "THE GOD" again and ran inside, only to find himself getting teleported away. There he met Re-Ankh, who gave him the chance to return to earth as Aragami, who he was before. Kishin declined and wanted to be sent back ASAP to rescue the only human he could believe in. Re-Ankh sent him back just in time so he could go with all the other so the human-realm to protect Byakuya.
- darkblue hair to lightyellow eyes with hints of lightgreen
- lightblue skin
- eyes like fishhins with green highlight
- green facial marks
- gets called Mizu-tan by Byakuya
- has lot of confidence
- contrary to her element she is quite the hotheaded character
- when she is agitated her water turns pinkish or purple
- she can oblierate all but 3 flames (Suzaku, Guren, Akumaou)
- she hates being told she and Kishin look alike
- wild and free personality
- she can turn her legs into a mermaid´s tail (but she hates that form so it prolly won´t be shown)
- has a flexible body cus of her element
- thinks highly of herself
- when she fights she actually stays calm and collected
- her mood is mostly like a stormy sea
- she loves the color purple, tho all in her family despise this color (which may be why she prefers that color)
Sennyo has so many siblings she lost count of it. Her parents did no parenting at all, but that was not something she would have wished for, anyways. Due to her hotblooded personality and the purple water she uses her siblings treated her badly. In the beginning, she thought she was at fault and thought it was what she deserved. But one day, she was treated bad as always, she suddenly became very calm and actually analyzzed the situation. The her siblings had the numbers, she somehow knew, she was the strongest, even only being 11 years old. She retaliated and won. Those who didnt believe their eyes and still attacked her, got killed. Sennyo didnt really care anymore. She had decided that she had the right to be the way she is and would stand on her own. She beat all her siblings and became the ruler of her home. She wasnt oppressive (she didnt care enough about anyone to pay attention to them anyways) but especially the elder ones despised her for her strength. So they asked for some fire types to get rid of her. Unfortunately for them, she came out victorious. One day, her parents went home and accused her of destroying her home by bullying her siblings. Sennyo instantly knew that the brothers had called them while feeding them lies. Without defending herself with words, she listened as her parents told her to leave, being the failure she is. SHe started to laugh. Then she looked at them and told them to make her leave. Her father, a proud killer (warrior), didnt like being mocked and attacked her, only to be made into a fool. The mother just stood there, first in fear, then in awe and idolization. Her mother then wanted her to stay and rule, since she was the strongest in the family. She wanted for Sennyo to get rid of the other waater-clans, so they can gain faim and get on the good side of the demon king. Sennyo just laughed and told them to do it themselves with those mighty boys she had "raised". Without further ado she just left the place and went anyplace the water pulled her to. She caused mischief everywhere she went and became good frineds with Nekomata, who she met from time to time on her travels. Her not-being-beaten-record was very high and never seemed to be ending, until she met Suzaku. It seemed effortlessly she was beaten by him. Her pride was hurt and she went training. During her training she released so much force with an attack, that a distortion between the human and the demon-realm was opened. Not feeling responsable she just left the place, the distotrion being there and getting bigger. Sennyo went on a journey to training. After her training she was searching for Suzaku to get her revenge. She learned that he was going around with a human and felt disappointed. She attacked Byakuya, believing he belonged to Suzaku, only to get attacked by Fubuki. As much as she was stunned that he could freeze her purple water, she got annoyed. Fubuki, enraged, fought her with the intent to kill and she was on the verge of losing, when Byakuya stepped in. Fubuki let her go. Impressed, Sennyo believed Byakuya to be very strong and vowed to be of his assistance if needed. She even stayed with the group, what Fubuki didnt really like.
The day Fubuki attacked Byakuya, she pullled Fubuki away from him and tried her best to cool him down. Actually, she just felt like killing him, but she listened to Byakuya´s plea. And then she saw the face of the one controlling him. She switched places with Suzaku and went after him, but just got teleported away. In an unknown area she fought her way back only to find they all split. She got angry at herself and swore to get the one who was responsable for this mess and make him pay. When the others said, they would go to the human world to search for Byakuya it took no time for her to say she´d come along.
- grey-brown hair
- black, droopy eyes
- white skin that shows no shadows
- black scars coming down his eyes
- he neither demon nor human any longer
- has the most mysterious behaviour of all and appreciates that no one of the group prys into his past
- never shows his hands, tho he can grab things at will (he would hate having to touch things with his bare hands)
- looks out for Mami a lot
When he was still a human, he lived in a period of war and riots. Many demons trespassed into the human realm and caused even more despair. One day, his hometown was raided and he fled into the deepest parts of the nearest forest to escape the attack, only to be caught in the hunting grounds of a hundred demons. Frozen from fear he watched them devouring each-other till only one was left. The new demon then turned around and set his sight on him. Overcome with fear, he ran away but to no avail. He was eaten. Or at least he was supposed to be, but his will to live suddenly was so strong that, after the demon took over the boody, he took over the souls of the demons. Now his human side has a human-shaped, demon-ghost body. He left behind his village and his name and took over the identity of "youma", the only remnants off one of the more calm demons that was devoured the same way as the once human boy. After that, Youma wandered around where he felt like going, switching between human and demon realm as he pleased. He saw and heard many things but never took part in anything. He never felt the need to stay in any place long, either so he was just like a fleeting, lost soul with an undying body. There are times, some of the demons, that were devoured, try to take over the body but they never succeeded. Over time, they all faded away, reached their life-span or just gave up and were lost forever. At present, he can feel two more lifes within himself, but they never try to overthrow him or take any action at all.
By chance, he meets Mami, a young vengeful spirit, causing a lot of mischief, but bored to death. He takes her along on his journey for a while, until they part, only to meet again when they travel with Byakuya and co. He feels that Byakuya is kinda similar to him and decides to stay with them all. Over time, he is able to open up to a degree.
On the fateful day, he temporarily takes over Fubukis body to stop his assault on Byakuya. Since he learnt his name then he was debating over whether he should bind Byakuya to himself now. He watched him being sent back to earth and since the urge to follow Byakuya was surprisingly strong, he stayed behind. He didnt want to feel so passionate about someone who would unmistakenly die and leave him behind someday. But as soon as he heard that Byakuya was in trouble again, he joins the group to defeat the danger so Byakuya can live in peace.
During this stay in the human realm he meets Yume, who´s just as dispassionate as him. SHe feel like a mirror to him and he decides that maybe it was time to change again and help her so he can help himself, too.
- red hair that turns into black at the ends
- light yellow eyes
- facial marks that can turn from blue to black if he´s agitated too much
- light skin-color
- talented swordfighter
- only one naturally able to use blue fire as his magic (but doesnt use it very often since he likes to brawl too much)
- gets heated not as easy as he makes it appear
- curiosity killed the cat fits him all too well
- he´s actually bored of the demon world
- only acts on his own desires
- suprisingly has a big heart but becoming someone he views important is still a rather diffcult task
- more often than not he hides his true abilities and he enjoys abserving others
- Akumaou is the only demon who revealed his name to the whole group and all call him that way but he´s not under the influence of anyone - he has a high resistance and / or pride
Akumaou is considered being "the first child of the reigning Maou", in reality its unknown how many were born before and after him, or at the same time. In fact, he has been strong since he was born but he actually didnt ever want to compete being the next Maou and he never rose to fight his older brothers, though he never stopped them from attacking the younger ones either. His father had actually given up on him already, but then his older brothers wanted to get rid of him, too, and lost miserably. The older he got, the more he played with his enemies, leaving them in a state of fury and dishonor. Akumaou enjoyed getting stronger, but never found pleasure in senseless fights. But the reigning Maou was pleased with his strength and thus named him first born child. He was brought to the castle but left immediately, no one being able to stop or follow him (they all acted stupidly and got into fights with another). Since then, he wandered aimlessly through the demon realm, training his swordsmanship and polishing his skills. Someday, rumors about a human roaming around caught his attention and he went to look for that human. Nekomata was the one he found who brought him to Byakuya. Surprised about how he could make a demon of ice and snow care about him deeply, Akumaou decided to stay with them and be a companion on their journey. In the beginning, it was just curiosity, but he truly came to like them and the group, that got bigger and bigger.
The fateful day, he was about to kill Fubuki as he saw that the later attacked Byakuya, but Byakuya stopped him from doing so. He was blind from fury and he actually was disappointed in them both for a moment, until he realized that Fubuki was being controlled and fighting against the mind-control as best as he could. AS soon as Akumaou found the mastermind, he disappeared without a trace. He decided that Byakuya had to go back in order to be safe. Afterwards, he told the group that they should disband and he would bring Fubuki back to his home. Surprisingly, the group disbanded without much hassle. WHile he researched where to find the one who controlled Fubuki that day, he learnt about Re-Ankhs existence and about Lucifer, the one who seemed to have been the one responsable for the disband of the group he came to call his own family. He learns how to use the abilities of his comreades to his advantage and took all neccessary steps to meet all of them again. It was him spreading rumours about Byakuya being in danger again and bringing them all together. They set out to look for Byakuya to properly protect them this time. Since he knew it were all just rumors, he enjoyed his stay in the human-realm more leisurely than the others, but soon he leaned that his rumor was the truth, after all, he reckoned, that it was his fault (the pot calling the kettle back or something along those lines). ALong the way, Akumaou meets one of Byakuyas friends, Tanaka Rika, who he feels strangely attached to. She will play a major role in his life.
. white-black hair, long
. yellow cat-eyes
. pointy cat-ears
. pale skin
. paws as hands, striped white-grey
. two tails even in humanoid form
. acts like a moody teenager
. the soul of a cat that was over 20 years old and gave up his last life to save his owner
. a cat through and through -> lazy (even during his transformation)
. pretty agile
. gets interested fast but loses it easy, too
. he knows how to hold his grudges
. since he´s not a born demon, being called Nekomata doesnt bound him to anyone
. he decides the name he´ll accept
. he handles things his own way and mostly seperates from the troupe (who considers him more like a mascot)
As a normal cat he was living the easy life, being pampered by his "masters". One day, the man got hit by a truck while Nekomata (who was just called "Kuro" by them) was nearby. He saw Re-Ankh appear and knew instinctively that this was his chance to rescue his beloved human. He traded his last life. More on a whim Re-Ankh´s Kuro turned into a Nekomata and was brought into the demon realm. He mostly just roamed around freely and he got to learn a lot about all the mischievious plans of all the demons, but he didnt care most of the time. Sometimes he played some minor tricks that got out off hand but no-one ever expected him to be the mastermind. He was actually the one who met Byakuya first and lured him into the demon-realm and made him meet with Fubuki. To his surprise, he didnt get bored watching them and more or less stayed with those two. Even as the group grew, he didnt get bored, considering Byakuya was able to befriend so many different demons who all were more or less like-minded, tho none of them would agree to that.
The fateful day where Fubuki attacked Byakuya, Nekomata was accidentally thrown into the human world, more or less unable to return or help. As a result, there were some suspicions raised against him, what he learned after luckily having returned to the demon-realm. Tho feeling disappointed by having been suspected, he tells them that he´ll act as traveler and watch over Byakuya.
First, he properly transforms into a cat to watch over Byakuya, but after years passing he doesnt care anymore and takes on the half-humanoid form. He often meets with Jun, a friend of Byakuya´s, and takes a liking to him. Jun is the one giving him his name Yain.