1. Name: Bri Richelle
2. Nickname(s): Bri, Sesora, & Mizu
3. Birthday: July 19
4. That makes you: 19 years of now ^^(That's right. 19 on the 19th)
5. How many piercings?: One on each ear
6. Tattoos?: No way!
7. When you wake up, you're: Sleepy. What else? -_-"
8. When you're about to sleep you're: Wide awake T-T
9. Zodiac sign: Cancer
10. Chinese sign: The dog
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty
Section Two: Looks
12. Nationality: African-African of Indian and English Descent
13. Hair colour: Dark Brown/Black
14. Weight: That is rude! Asking a woman her weight! >:(
15. Height: 5"6
16. Braces?: No, thank goodness!
17. Glasses?: Nope
Section Three: Private Life
18. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: No
19. If so, who?: I said no!
20. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: Yes.
21. Who has a crush on you?: Two guys, that I know of >_>
22. Ever cheated on your bf/gf: Yes.
23. Who was your first kiss: My recent ex-boyfriend
24. Who was your last kiss: Same
25. Are you a virgin? Yes.
26. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
27. Broken any hearts? Yes.
28. Ever liked a friend? Yes.
29. What happened? He got a girlfriend
Section Five: Favourites
30. Song: As of now, "Prime Time" by Janelle Monae ft. Miquel
31. Movie: I have so many to list..
32. Food: Chicken Alfredo! ^.^
33. Drink: Black Mango Sweet Tea! ^p^
34. Store: Hot Topic
35. Television show: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
36. Holiday: Christmas
37. Book: Kite Runner
38. Ice cream Flavor: French Vanilla
39. Sweets: Any kind, actually...(fatty, fat, fat)
40: Thing To Do: Sing! :D