I just cancelled my friendship with this guy. [Strong Language To Be Expected]
He just gets on my nerves with his relationship bullshit!!! For the past two weeks, he breaks up and gets back together with his ex three times and he just dusts himself off and pretended that that shit didn't just happen!!! Fuckin' bastard! And he had the nerve to ask me out while I was working three months ago! Something was telling me to not accept it. I told him, "I'm not ready for a boyfriend, yet." That was a big, fat lie. If I had known how much of a jerk he is now, I would have said, "Go fuck yourself." AH!! We argued and I unfriended and blocked him. Ladies, there is a difference between being a gentleman and being a charmer and he was a charmer. He doesn't give a shit about his ex, me, or anybody. His ego outta be bigger than his dick!!!
*takes a deep breath* Sorry if I offended anybody on this. I was so pissed off. I hope to never deal with this drama with anyone anymore.