Hi guys. I have some terrible, terrible news. My grandmother, my father's mom, passed away this morning. Here's what happened:
I woke up 2:30 in the morning as I heard beeping sounds from my Granny's room. It was her pacemaker that didn't help her at all. I walked out of the room and saw the firefighters taking care of her. I looked at her and saw that she was unresponsive. Her heart stopped as well as her pulse. This just happened two weeks ago and she made a full recovery. So, I thought she will make it this time. We were all trying to stay calm. They put her on a stretcher and took her to the ambulance, not knowing that that will be the last I saw her before her pronounced death. I had highhopes for her. I really did. I can't imagine life without her now....
It wasn't until a few hours later that I learned that she died peacefully in her sleep...and she wanted this. When she was in the hospital the first time, she kept saying she wanted to go home....now I know what she meant by that...
I can't say no more....