Hello, there. My name (or names) is(or are)

Or,just simply, Sensei Ryuu.
So yeah, I joined the community here at theOtaku back in 2007 and havent been able to stop since.
I try to update frequently, but unfortunately there are unentertaining dry areas in my life, so taht happens...
But yeah, I was introduced to manga by my cousin and my favorites are...

Samurai Champloo
One Piece
Death Note

Though I still like manga alot Im slowly drifting towards photorealism more and more, so my portfolio is a bit of a mix.
Music is great.
I play guitar, and I adore Jack White. But not in a gay way.
And if you havent caught on yet, I am a boy.
Colplay and the Killers also rock.
I like alot of other bands but I wont go into it.

Be kind dont diss on me and comment or I'll sick a something horrible on you...and it wont be pleasant...

ALSO--Background credits go to somegirl.


the end is near

Today it happened.
The March for Life...
It was pretty awesome, but at the same time it was pretty darn hectic.
The March starts out with a trillion people speaking about various pro-life related subjects, and that took about an hour.
And the little expanse of land on which they were talking was incredibly crowded so I lost my sister and my dad a few times.
SO then MArch finally started, ever so slowly.
We stood there, packed like sardines, for about 20 minutes and I was pretty darn aggravated by then.
So then we Marched to the capitol...almost.
Most of the 50-60,000 people at this thing proceeded to the Supreme COurt Building, where the March ends, but as for me and my groupies (which included some random girls I hardly knew) we turned around because at that moment we were bottlenecked around a corner and we were moving at the speed of worms so we just turned around...
Then we went back to the hotel where all the exhibitions were.
Then I went to a glorious Irish pub which had beastly taste in music then we went to a small concert which we stayed only for three songs of cuz we were tired and headed back to our luxurious(?) Motel 6.
Now here I am.
And I'm leaving tommorow at around 12 but I hope I get time to go to the Smithsonian and such.
Well, my apologies for the long post.
And farewell...


Well, it turns out my Dad's laptop gets WiFi here at Motel 6, so HUZZAH for that.
So yeah, I left for DC at around 4:00 yesterday and then we stayed at a friend's odd-smelling apartment in Pittsburgh yesterday. Then this morning we got into DC at around 12:00 today then waited around in the lobby of the Motel 6 for a while then we had to get on a Metro.
And we had troubles which included, overpriced parking for 25 cents per 15 mins and then my Dad had to find new parking and meanwhile me and my sister stood freezing in the Metro Station...
But now Im pretty much used to it b/c I've been on it five times today.
Then I went to the Hyatt hotel where they have a bunch of booths for different pro-life organizations (including my Dad's). So I hung around there for quite a while and then we were gonna go to mass at the Basilica (which was beautiful) but we were tired and it was incredibly crowded and it was dragging on and on so we left early...
And more hecticness shall ensue in the 'morrow.
Farewell and wish for my sake its not too cold tommorow!


Well, Im about to leave for DC.
Im probably not gonna be around for three days, but I might find some source of the internet in my travels.
Well, I shall miss you all.
Au revoir.

Partly Over.

Well I got my religion mid-term, my history, and my Vocab mid term done.
Now I just have Science, Latin and Spanish to do.
Which should all be death exposed here on the Planet of Life.
I knew I had something else to say but I forget what...
Im currrently really distracted b/c theres a bunch of kids around me talking.


Recently its been in the negatives around here(MI) and its snowing...
So yeah.
Its quite cold.
Yesterday I went shopping with my sister.
And I didn't buy anything b/c my sis thought we had more time, but we didnt and suddenly everything STOPPED.
The grates came across the store doors.
The escalators stopped.
It was a bit frightening.
And then we had to run across the mall to find my Dad cuz my sister needed more money and then we could'nt find him so she had to borrow my money, which she didn't need after all.
So it was a mess.
And today I have to take my Vocabulary mid term at home because I wont be here for three days of mid terms.
Then tommorow I have my Religion one at home too.
And in the mean time I need to memorize lines, and write an oral report.
So that's that...
Be sure to comment on my new piece which I like alot and am hungry for feedback on...