Hello, there. My name (or names) is(or are)

Or,just simply, Sensei Ryuu.
So yeah, I joined the community here at theOtaku back in 2007 and havent been able to stop since.
I try to update frequently, but unfortunately there are unentertaining dry areas in my life, so taht happens...
But yeah, I was introduced to manga by my cousin and my favorites are...

Samurai Champloo
One Piece
Death Note

Though I still like manga alot Im slowly drifting towards photorealism more and more, so my portfolio is a bit of a mix.
Music is great.
I play guitar, and I adore Jack White. But not in a gay way.
And if you havent caught on yet, I am a boy.
Colplay and the Killers also rock.
I like alot of other bands but I wont go into it.

Be kind dont diss on me and comment or I'll sick a something horrible on you...and it wont be pleasant...

ALSO--Background credits go to somegirl.


Sickness Overcomes Me...*dies*

Yup. So the reason I havent been on lately is...
On wednesday I threw up on the way to school so I had to lie in the office fer like two hours til my Mom came and took me home.
There I slept and threw up four more times then had a very fitful sleep.
Yawn. The next day I had o recuperate from a day of no food and I as still pretty sick.
But yeah, I went to school today.
And now I feel kinda sick again.
So I missed my teams last basketball game.
Im told we beat the team 57-35.
But I have a tournie tommorow, so Yays for that.
Yet I also have an essay tom.
Yup, well.
Im posting two new pictures with the handy dandy new "Quick Submit" button.
Oh joy.


So yeah, I took my HSPT today.
I had to wake up at six.
On a saturday.
That, my friends, is pure evil.
But yeah.
It was a long hard, four hours stuck in a small classroom.
But my friend and a Pepsi were there, which eased the pain somewhat.
And I just realized I've started typing while looking at the screen.
ALSO--I might have a sledding party tommorow.
Yes. Im able to do that since I have a giant hill in my backyard.
but I is tired so I is going now.

Chinese Basketball?

Hi everybody.
Well yeah.
IvoryDragon is in china.
Yeah, you heard me.
His Dad has a business trip there or something...
So hes eating dumplings and looking at pandas.
Er something like that.
So YAY for IvoryD.
Well yeah, we lost by one point to our rivals.
Who also happen to be our partner school.
We had a 20 point lead and then in the last quarter they came back...
So dern all that.
And I ahve also lost 2 subbers in the last two months...
Depressing, isn't it?
Well yeah...
How is JOO?

EPIC wallpaper.

Snowy Day!

Well today was a snow day for my school, but my bruv and sis, sadly, did not have a snow day.
So yeah...
I went to Mass, went to McDonalds and thats about it...
Sad, isn't it?
Im also in desperate need of a coat so my Mom is going to take me to her favorite store---
* sparkle sparkle *
Yes, I know...
Do you really think they're gonna have a pea coat at the thrift store???!!!
~Sensei Ryuu


Yus, Yus, Yus...
Yesterday was Turkey Day!
We had our relatives over, and l;et me tell you, my Mom's side of the family is very difficult cuz my Uncle has a mental problem so Its hard to play Scrabble with a guy who is always taking ten minutes to figure out stuff and by the end of the Scrabble game there was some smoking tension between my Mom and my Uncle...
Well, the turkey was good.
And I am addicted to my phone.
Im always making clicking noises...
Well, today Im going to eat enchiladas with a buncha people, real genuine enchiladas with GWAKAMOLAY.

So yeah...
How is everybody?