The Last Fling before Temporary Sanity Nibbles it's way Into my Life

So yeah. This past weekend I took a trip to Chicago to visit my grandparents before I went back to school. So. Yeah. On friday we got there and chilled for the night.
Then the following Saturday we went into the neighboring town and did a bit of shopping. Then Sunday we had a blast walking around the shopping district and looking at all the places we would LIKE to go.
Bit of torture.
But, the Buckingham fountain was fun. Some people were making some sort of Hispanic romance film. SILICON ATTACK!
So then on monday we made our way back and stayed in a hotel for the night, and then today we went to Holland, Michigan. Straight up Paradise. Lake Michigan was RIGHT THERE and the town was so nice. And then we took a swim and the waves were really big. was so great.
Then we clambered up this massively steep dune. I was so tired by the time I got to the top, but running down was definitely worth it.
Then we went home...
And then tommorow I have ORIENTATION! and back to school shopping.
Depressing stuff.
I hear freshman year it true?

Whatever. I'll find out soon enough.

