The Asylum was my first day of school. Not too thrilling. I didn't meet anyone new or very interesting. Nothing insane happened. hum. It was quite normal actually. Except for the fact that I don't have a planner, which made things quite chaotic. The teachers gave us a bunch of these sheets they wanted signed, and I didn't know about half of the stuff.
And I feel sorta stressed becuase I feel like they're things to do, which I'm not doing. Maybe I'm just nervous.
Idk. There's all this online stuff we have to do and really, half the stuff we could do off the computer, JUST HAND US THE INFO ON SOME PAPER!
It's so ridiculous. Whenever I wanna check something I've gotta turn it on, wait for it to boot up. Wait for my dial up to dial up. Then I've gotta wait for my homepage to load. And then I've gotta get to where I'm goin.


