Haunted Monks

This weekend I traveled 5 hours to Pennsylvania where my sister is going to college. She has a job as a seceratary now, she gets to ride around campus on a golf cart.
She also has gone on a couple of "ghost hunts". Allow me to explain...
Apparently my sisters college is the third most haunted place in America. Creepy, eh? Here are some of the things which have haunted the campus...

A suicidal satanic monk who hung himself and burnt down the fifth floor of one of the dorms. They still havent fixed it up and you can go up there.

A doll which had a possesed girls demons cast into it.

A little girl who gets into people's coloring books. Actually, my sister roomie has a bunch of coloring books, so they've been trying to hide them.

These art sorta more miraculous but still creepy.

A statue of Mary which cries blood if you cry in front of it.

A replica of the pieta. It has been recorded that Mary tlooked up at someone when they were praying in front of it.

So yeah. Theres a list of stuffs. So we went BACK to MI on sunday. And I had to do a report at 11:00 at night. Fun stuff. And then today I had school and I was oh so tired....

