Pain, Warmth, and Minor Insomnia.

I'm starting to sound like a paperback novel...
Well, anyway, I should now explain the title of this post.
Well, I have my cousin and my Aunt from florida visiting.
My Cousin is actually siiting next to me on another compie right now.
So yeah, as soon as they come up it goes from 20 degrees to 60 degrees, all the snow melts and its brown and yucky.
So yeah. That was the 27th.
On the 28th a huge wind comes up, a tree falls on my power lines and we lose power. So then we go to my friend's house, who happen to be outta town.
Then I clean up their basement and play the Wii a whole lot, but their Mario kart disc didnt work so I played tennis...
Then I had a horrible sleep cuz the couch I was sleeping on was too small for me and my legs hung off and I had a horrible sleep, in addition I had had a horrible sleep the previous night because my cousin kept on waking up and turing on his flashlight FOR NO REASON.
So I had a horrible sleep two nights in a row.
So thats the choronicles of the out of towners for now.
Bye everyone.
