The Out-of-towners Pt.2 and New Years eve

Well, the out of towners left about 3 days ago and lately I have been sleeping in til about 11:30 in order to regain the sleep I lost on account of scratchy couches and twelve year olds with severe insmonia who sleep walk.
Well, on the day before they left we went to the botannical gardens whcih was pretty nifty and I took a nice walk and encountered a dilapitaded out house in the woods.
The day after was Dec.31...New Years eve.
We almost had to evac to our empty friends hosue again cuz the power went out for about an hour then it went back on. Pooey. I coulda played wii sports again.
ON new years eve I watched the Astronaut Farmer(which was pretty good) and then proceeded to play clue while drinking champagne and listening to Led Zeppelin...hee hee. I drink champagne and I'm only 13...
I then watched "Some Like it Hot" a bit of genius of a movie and then I hit the hay.
