Can Cats Croak?

Apparently so.
My 17 year old cat, Edna, has just passed away.
she was lying on the floor in the laundry room, twitching, and I alerted my sister and we waited a while then she stopped twitching and just layed there, breathing heavily, for quite a while and now she's dead.
I feel compelled to pray for the repose of her soul...but she doesnt have one.
On a happier note, my school is doing this thing called a mystery dinner wheere the eighth graders put on a mystery play amidst the parents and siblings, not on a stage.
Then at the end the tables have to guess who did it and with what and if they get it right they get some sort of prize.
Thats that...
Im not sure who I am yet, but Im fionding out tommorow so thats good...
