Waiting With Bloodshot Eyes

My mind is currently quite a mess so this post shall also be so bear with me...
Now where to start...
Well, since I'm gonna be gone for three days next week(March for Life) and since next week is mid-term exams my mental schedul is currently a mess but ever-so-slowly I'm getting it worked out.
And on top of exams I have a History oral report, which I have'nt even started, and a book report.
And I'm not even near as stressed as I should be and wish this stupid procrastination which has infected my mind like a disease would just FLY OFF!!
About the title.
My glasses got broken so I went to the glasses store and bought TWO pairs so I'll have a spare.
And then I have to wait a week before I get them...
So at the present moment it's four days and my eyes get all bloodshot when I use the computer, but I can't stand to be away from all of ye good fellows here at theOtaku!
Oh...I also have a play coming up on the 20th...
I just remembered something!
I was supposed to go to this REQUIRED thing for my confirmation tonight and I totally forgot!
*smashes head on keyboard*
Well, yeah.
That's that.

I recently did this experiment in science where we melted sugar on a piece of tin foil.
Fire+Sugar= bad stuff.
Well, first me and my friend started eating the sugar packets lying around, and since we're usually crazy anyway we were even more-so...
Then my piece of tin foil caught on fire, but thanks to my super-human reflexes nothing bad happened...
Then IvoryDragon started inhaling the smoke...
And so did I...it felt so odd.
Maybe I'll end up like Avarice and be a smoker.
And today I had a day off, which I spent doing finishing touches on the song I wrote, which I am proud of.
My first full song.
And doing schoolwork.
And then on Friday I have a field trip/ retreat thing, so that should be fun.
So thats my life currently.
How are you?
