the end is near

Today it happened.
The March for Life...
It was pretty awesome, but at the same time it was pretty darn hectic.
The March starts out with a trillion people speaking about various pro-life related subjects, and that took about an hour.
And the little expanse of land on which they were talking was incredibly crowded so I lost my sister and my dad a few times.
SO then MArch finally started, ever so slowly.
We stood there, packed like sardines, for about 20 minutes and I was pretty darn aggravated by then.
So then we Marched to the capitol...almost.
Most of the 50-60,000 people at this thing proceeded to the Supreme COurt Building, where the March ends, but as for me and my groupies (which included some random girls I hardly knew) we turned around because at that moment we were bottlenecked around a corner and we were moving at the speed of worms so we just turned around...
Then we went back to the hotel where all the exhibitions were.
Then I went to a glorious Irish pub which had beastly taste in music then we went to a small concert which we stayed only for three songs of cuz we were tired and headed back to our luxurious(?) Motel 6.
Now here I am.
And I'm leaving tommorow at around 12 but I hope I get time to go to the Smithsonian and such.
Well, my apologies for the long post.
And farewell...
