
So, yeah.
Today my school had a "Wacky Dress Down Day"
My favorite day of the year, except for the last one....
This year, I wore these creepy sunglasses which have orange-ish green lenses and they make your eyes look really eerie and hypnotical...
And a cardboard box and a christmas stocking and mismatched shoes...
So yeah.
every year I've gone crazy on this day because there is always one winner from the whole school...
ANd I've never won.
This year it was different because they just chose two ppl from each class and then they won...
So there was no ONE winner...
BUt yeah, I was chosen and I got a dress down pass...
Which I just lost.
Well, tommorow is "comfy" day and we get to wear sweats and slippers and bring a pillow and a blanket!
Which rocks beyond belief!
So thats gonna be good...
I did a second version of Daniel, so I'll probly post that...
And I got an idea for another character, Anita's egomaniacal ex-boyfriend, and a creepy doctor who thinks he can give Daniel a soul...
So thats also gonna be good...

