
Title: Eh, I was gonna call it "Birthday" but then I thought "real orginal, pasq".
So hence originality.
Anyways, yesterday my school had this Euchre tournament which I volunteered at.
Basicially I ra aaround bugging people if they wanted a refill on anything.
But it was okay because all mis amigos were there, and from there we proceeded to the aggravatingly inactive IvoryDragon's house for his birthday.
So then we stayed up till 3:30 watching School of Rock (epic movie) and had extremely uncomfortable sleeping conditions involving scratchy blankets and rolled up sheets for pillows.
But this morning we were gonna go to this uberly beastly gaming place where epicness reigns and such.
BUt we were informed that the place had been closed for weeks.
So we went and played laser tag and amusingly entertaining racing games...

So thats my life, hows yours?

