Moo. I'm a cow.

Cows rock.
Anyway, so yeah. Ive been on spring break since tuesday and since then I have accomplished...
But heres what I want to accomplish:
A painting is in the works.
Possibly a manga? My skills arent toned enough yet, I dont think. In short, I think my art sucks too much to be made into a manga.
A stupid but much needed scholarhship essay.
Read some One Piece.

Well, actually, i cant say I havent accomplished ANYTHING...
I finshed the Harry Potter Series.
Im one of those ppl who flock to the fad after the rush is over.
The series was pretty darn good, though I must say the fifth and seventh stood out the most, not much happened in the sixth.
Uhh...I mangaed to get some pictures of meself onto the PC...including the one in my intro.
And thats about it for accomplished.
Today was crazy.
We went to a Good Friday service which was agonizingly stuffy and long, about 2 hours. I strived to pay attention, but its a bit hard, y'know?
After mass we went shopping for stuff for easter mass.
I got a vest, which was pointless cuz I have a vest anyway, Im wearing it right now.
But shopping took a long time and Ive hardly been home today. Then tommorow were going to the vigil mass, which is basicially a late mass on saturday instead of a mornign mass on sunday.
Its more interesting that way...
Also, my parents and my elder sister have to leave for three days so i ahve to stay at one of my friends houses for three days, it should be fun but I dont know whose house Im staying at yet considering they all want me at their houses.
*head bang* So complicated.

So thats my life, Ill try to get a start on some art tommrow.

Til then, hasta la vista.


I'm a dork...XP
