Chapter 6 Doushite

Chapter 6 Doushite

All he saw was stars, then nothing.
“Oooohh… my head hurts. Huh! Why do I feel so heavy?” Tigra opened his eyes and yelled in shock! “WHAT!? What’s going on!?”
Tigra found himself tied to a bed and in a pink dress. Tracy stood at the foot of the bed with a huge smile. Sakura was there, too. With a camera.
“Laugh at me will ya?” she said with an evil grin, “Sakura, camera please.”
“Whaa… What are you two going to do with me?” Sweet fell slowly down his face.
Tracy brought the camera up to her eye and smiled a wicked smile.
“So, Sakura, is Tome ready for those photos?”
“Yes. She said she’d put them in the school paper.”
“NANI!? Come on Tracy!” He wined


“Yuna, I need to talk to him. He needs to know what happened.” She looked at Yuna and could see that she was still having a hard time with this. “Is something wrong, Yuna?”
“Well, yes there is.” She took a deep breath and tried not to cry. “I just can’t trust him yet. For six months, I though he had done that on purpose.” Kasuke looked worried. Then Yuna smiled and laughed. “So, it will be hard, but I trust you.”
Kasuke’s face light up with joy. “Arigatou!”
“So let’s go see if he’s still here.”

Yuna pushed Kasuke in a wheel chair to where she had meet Tracy. They saw her in the hallway talking with a friend.
Tracy shot strait out of her chair in shock. “Ka… Kasuke!! You’re awake!” Tracy walked over to them, knelt down and bowed her head and started to apologize.
“Don’t! You don’t have to do that.” Pleaded Kasuke. “It wasn’t his or your felt, that I’m here.”
Tracy looked up with tears in her eyes. Sakura was surprised, by what she did, and wanted to know what was going on.
“I need to talk to you both. Where is Tigra?”
Tracy and Sakura looked at each other and Busted up laughing. With tears in their eyes they pointed to the room they were in font of.
“He’s in there!” They started laughing even more.
Kasuke and Yuna looked at each other puzzled. Then they opened the door and walked in. Their eyes went wide in surprise! Tigra was tied to the bed and was wearing a pink dress with duck tape over his mouth!
“What Happened!?” The both said at the same time, and started laughing. It took them 10 mins to stop laughing, and then they finally untied him.
“Sorry about laughing at you, but that was so funny!” Kasuke giggled.
Tigra just stared at the ground. Then with deep sorrow, “Kasuke… how can you every forgive me?” He started to cry. “I could have killed you! But you still want to talk to me? Why!?”
“That’s because you weren’t the one who did this to me.”
Every one looked at her in shock and surprise.
“Wha… what do you mean!?” Tigra said in awe.
“Let me tell you what happened. I remember running at you getting ready to attack, when every thing went black. When I awoke, I was in a place I’ve never been before. Then I heard a Voice. I couldn’t see anyone. Then I felt something evil. Then I saw him. He graved me by the neck and told me, I had one month to train, then He’d came to kill me.
Yesterday I finally defeated him. The only clue I have of who he is, is his name.” She took a deep breath. “His name is Ghost.
The room went silent. Everybody was trying to understand what this meant.
“Please Tigra, I want you to be my friend.” She smiled at him. She could see him crying.
“Thank You! Thank you so much Kasuke!” Tigra just cried. A heavy burden had finally been lifted from his shoulders. Kasuke walked up and gave him a hug.
