This is by bleachlists on Tumblr. She does hilarious skits with the bleach characters (mostly OOC, but still funny as hell). This is one of them.
May 27, 2014
What if Aizen has been good the whole time?
As requ...
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Because I'm half dead and bored out of my mind. Deal with it Aizen. XP (AKA, I had no other ideas and you're easy to pick on.)
Please note that these reasons are off the top of my head and may or may not make sense or be true. Essentially, it's a list of things that piss me off. Also, this is mostly about the Manga/Anime. So, in no particular order, here we go:
# 1: The hairlock
It's a typical case of the Transitive Property in Geometry. I hate Superman. I hate Aizen. Superman has a stupid hairlock. Aizen also has a stupid hairlock. If A = B and B = C, then A = C. In other words. I hate them both.
# 2: He doesn't know when to shut that hole he calls a mouth.
Prime example #1: Aizen was talking smack to Ichigo after he shows up from training in the dangai. Two seconds later, Aizen's face face-plants Ichigo's hand. Never thought I'd be jealous of a hand...
Prime example #2: Central 46 sentences him to 18,999 years in the lowest prison level. Aizen starts running his mouth to the 46, so the 46 bumps it up to 20,000 years. Nice one genius.
# 3: He can't be bothered with "dirty laundry."
Aizen wants Orihime. He sends Ulquiorra to go get her. Grimmjow needs to be punished for doing whatever the hell he wants. He sits back and enjoys the show while Tosen does it for him.
Hell, he probably doesn't even do his OWN laundry. Probably has Halibel doing it (seeing as how she has water powers).
Reminds me of Shark Boy and Lava Girl. "If you're so powerful YOU DO IT."
# 4: His powers/appearance only got lamer with time.
Episode 60 something: He uses Hado 90 with no incantation and almost rips Komamura a new one. Not to mention he damn near cut Ichigo in half.
Episode 100 something: He grows himself a mullet and wears some dress-looking thing with a matching pair of tights.... gross.
(RPer: But I like the hair!)
Tsukiro: *glares at her* Who's side are you on again?
Episode 200 something: He turns into the ugliest butterfly you could possibly imagine, then multiplied by 10.
and # 5: He didn't get the most horrible, gruesome, unfathomably painful death that I was hoping for.
Probably because he's planning something for the end of the series. Which pisses me off even more considering he's in PRISON!
Read it and weep (or laugh).
I'm done here.

There are exactly 30 episodes left in the Bleach anime that need to be dubbed in English. Not only that, the manga is on it’s last stretch as well. Thinking of that makes me sad.
So, lumping that with how very quiet it’s been lately, I’ve put this together.
Bleach Tag Game
The rules are very much the same as the Christmas one I did.
*Place the image at the top of your post
*Answer the five questions given
*state which you liked better, anime or manga
*write five new questions for the next person
*tag one person at the end of your post in a spoiler box (the person cannot be someone who has already been tagged
Since this is a Bleach centered tag game, of course, all questions must be related to Bleach. Make them interesting, funny, whatever.
Here’s mine:
1) What Shinigami Guide did you think was the funniest?
2) Which episode did you watch first in the anime?
3) Which volume/chapter did you read first in the manga?
4) Favorite arc? (Anime or manga, doesn’t matter)
5) Ichigo x Rukia, or Renji x Rukia? (>XD)
(Bold and underline one)
Anime / Manga
*Keep the part with the anime/manga, that stays the same throughout.
I tag Kita Miyamoto!
PS: It doesn't matter if you post the tag here in this world or in one of your own. Wherever is fine.
(extremely) Late April Fool’s Post (Because I’m bored… -_-”)
So, since nobody has posted anything in a very long time, I’ve decided to do whatever the hell I want. *evil grin, rubs hands toget...
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I was talking to Ulqui on Skype and well, he has this thing for “steps,” so it gave me an idea. Here it is.
(Note: This is from Tsukiro’s POV talking to the character Ulquiorra, not the RPer.)
(PS: This is exaggerat...
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