Matt Tsuki

Warning: this WORLD occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).

Fan Art :: Wallpapers :: eCards

Buttercup Festival :: xkcd :: A Softer World

Critics United


Art Trades :: CLOSED

Requests :: CLOSED


Hey all.

So I think my computer has gone mega wrong. Either that or TheOtaku has made a point of telling me that it really dislikes my exsistnce. But either way I'm having major problems with some pages from this site. Mainly the page where it tells who when someone updates something. Which sucks big time becuase that means I can't look at any updates that anyone does. Other than the 20 or so ones on the 'overveiw' page of my backroom.

So I'll do what I can and comment on what I can. Sorry about this guys. I'll really miss your work! And well I think i've developed a new hate for my comuters fuzzies(Massive Viruses). I hope that its just a problem with TheOtaku. I'll send some Admins a PM asking them whats the skinny.

I'll be sure to reply to all your comments though! That page is broken yet (thankfuly)! Anyway guys have a great day- and hopefuly no one ELSE has this problem.

Maybe this is just a bad glitch?


Moo To Do

Once again my unfinsihed projects are creeping up on me. All of those things that I said I would do are slowly closing in on me- with teir tourches and pitch forks threating me. *sigh* I really need to get on those.

But in lighter news! On one of my many strolls though out TheOtaku I have come across something pretty amazing! And no its not Critiquers United. No no I already found that! (shameless plug) I have found TheO Giant Art Swap!!! Hehe. I love shameless plugs.

Anyway guys. You should really head over there. Its pretty amazing. Whoa holy crap this was short. Ahaha! ^.^'

Crowned Room

I was doing so well too! Its been so long since I've been tagged! But alas... sadly my luck has run out. And so here I am updateing and spamming your backroom with my tags. And I'd ramble on and on for a while longer but I have nothing to say. Oth...

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"When I was a kid it was video games, mario, luigi, "Here we go!"

Whoa long time so see eh? I swear i'm REALLY sorry that I neglected you my dear World. But I'm terrirbly sorry. I really can't stand to look at you. *sigh* Its just that- although you look so pretty, and really quite wounderful. Your just... boring! I can't help it! You really need a change. *sigh* but I don't know what to do! I'm sorry. I swear I'll get you some new threads soon.

On other news- the point of that was saying that my world needs a change in its theme. But I have no idea what to do. Any ideas?

So MOST of you know about the tag meme thing thats been going around lately about the how many fears you have out of 72. I think its 72... But the point? Is it just me or does everyone have like- you know a avergae score(10-20) or like a fearless (10 or less) score? And how come I had like- 35? Am I really that much of a nutter? Sure dogs scare the CRAP out of me and I maybe don't like to be touched and I mean who ISN'T scarred of the dark? And sure I have some otehr weird fears like fire... and clowns, dolls, falling, heights and maybe women. BUT THAT BAD?

And you know whats worse?

They didn't mention some of my fears. There are ALOT more. Like my fear os sleeping, losing my teeth, losing my toenails, water, looking people in the eye. No joke there on the last one. I may freak out when I look people in the eye when I talk to them. Thats just a few of them though.

I think I'm going crazy. Slowly. But still crazy.



Fan Art :: Wallpapers :: Ecards

Can you say amazing? Becuase this girl is. Her art is BEYOND amazing. The way that she adds hints of colours in the hair and eyes, leaving the rest black and white is such a great idea. Shes a master of line art and colour. Her works are bold and simple. The selection may be small but is worth it.

Sweet and simple is the name of her game when it comes to her wallpapers. But the still look AMAZING. This is the stuff that you want to have on your desktop when all you really need is a great image of somone, and oen or two lines. Its wounderful work; the master of simple is amazing ways.

Quincygirl is supportive, funny and one of my greatest friends. ANd I am more than HAPPY to call her that. Her Ecards are not only funny; but they are the stuff that you always think of sending to your friends for a laugh.

This girl deserves way more support than she gets. SO go and leave her a comment on her guest book, send her a lovly gift and most of all, take a look of her fanart. Leave some comments of some of her pieces. Take a look around and I promise you won't be disapionted. She brillent.


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