Don't Ask If You Can't Tell

Now You may have noticed that I never give credit for the images i use to make wallpapers. I don't claim to own any images i use, and never will unless its mine. But you will rarley see me give a link to where I found the image. Thats because I store the images I use in bulk on my computer, so when i have an idea to use them i know its there. I don't however, save the link as to where I found it.

I mostly search around Photobucket, and sometimes on Minitokyo. So if you find your art in one of my papers I didn't know it was yours, unless i state otherwise. If its yours and you can PROVE that it is, you can ask me to take the art down. I don't mind as long as you can prove its yours. I will take it down if you don't want me to use it.

If there should be a link in the image and it doesn't show chances are the credits are on the wallpaper, and the link removed. I don't like to keep the link on or in view becasue they take away from the image I used. Its not becuase I want to claim it as mine.

I'm putting this here because i don't wish to have to reprint these long paragraph every time I submit a wallpaper. This is sort of a disclaimer thing. So if you see your art used and want me to take it down, just let me know. Or If you just want me to add credit to you.

Is it me, or do I sound like a rather polite lawer?
