Row Row Row Your Boat

"No guns, no explosions, no cheesy lines just stalking random people in a black van. The A-Team can suck it."

Wow its been like- three days since my last post? I think this is my record for most posting within a time limit. Because I never post anything unless its been three months of each other. *grins* But all that awesomeness aside. TIME FOR MORE MULTI THEME POSTS!!

So for our first matter here! I know that you've all heard it before, but I'm going to say it again! You've most likely heard about this matter of news going around; and I'd like to spread it to you all again. And I'll keep this section quick and short because it must be getting dry by now.

SECOND! Because I'm amazing and Canadain I have to wish you all a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I know its strange to say because I said it on the 11th of October; but in Canada we are really strange and like to be diffrent. SO OCTOBER IT IS! SO I hope that anyone who did the Thanksgiving thing today had a WONDERFUL day- and everyone else that didn't to have the same WONDERFUL DAY AS WELL!


Happy Columbus day!

Unless your name is Aden Reese than its not very happy for some strange reason.


I've decided that I'd let you all in on some daily things that I've did today- because its a holiday and I didn't have to work. So prepare yourself for some fantastic reading!

And by that I mean lame and boring.

I think I've been watching M.A.S.H. for the whole say stright. I mean its some sort of marathon on and I havn't changed the channel yet. Its really damn funny to watch because half the time I space in and out and only catch select parts. Like Clinger and his amazing outfits. I love that man and his outfits. Also what I did today besides watching M.A.S.H. all day was pick mushrooms from my protery! Sounds strange yes but the area I live in we grow some AMAZING mushrooms and anyone that knows me knows that I can't ever resis picking fresh mushrooms. They taste so GOOD! A little bit of butter, some pepper, fry them up and BAM. BRILLENT TASTE!

Also for your daily dose of awesome for today- Romantically Apocalyptic people!

I'm always up for awesomeness like Post Apocalypic Real Estate, or Drive in at Mickey D's. You really can't beat this webcomic in amazing art and colours- or rather simple laughs and story lines. I really can't tell you guys all the ways that you all should read this. Todays banner is also by them. So click that to find a HIDDEN LINK!! O.oxim
