Elektra ARTS

I'm being so lazy as of late its sad. I mean I've posted here non-stop here for a week. Yet I have yet to complete my drawing for the Art Trade. I blame it on the guys hands. I really can't draw hands and they are makeing me angry.

But other than that Its all good!

In other news, you should all go see this. Take a tour around and see the art thast up there. I don't know if they offer guided tours or not; you'd have to ask. But you should ass go there anyway. If your lucky you can even get some soviners!

And while you are there stop by and see THIS lovely exibit!

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Because although it hasn't recieved any of those fad rave revweiws I think it was wonderfuly done!

And if you didn't notice. That was a shameless plug. I'm good at those now a days.

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