Glad Your Better

Yay for wearing purple!

I have no idea if thats for today or not. I think it was tomorrow. I don't remember anymore. I logged onto devART today and everything was purple and it reminded me to stick this up.

And for the people that don't know why we wore- or still are- wearing purple; heres what going on. I think it was yesterday wearing purple was to support those who took their lives because of anti-gay bullying.

And of course I didn't *have* anything purple- so I taped a sign on my shirt saying "Think Purple" or something like that.

So if you DIDN'T wear purple yesterday it is not to late! Go out and wear some purple! Or better yet, MAKE SOME PURPLE ART! Thats always fun! Make some art that supports the Purple Cause. I know its called spirt week; but I like Purple Cause better. *grins*

