Memories {{READ}}

November 11th

In Canada every year on November 11th the enitre country takes the time to remember. To remember every man, women and child that dies in war. The Great War, World War II, the Korean War, Veitnam War, Cold War: It doesn't matter what war we all take the time to remember.

Thousands of people die in wars every year. Millions die in single wars alone. Over a million died in total during the Great War. Its tragic yes; bit true. And no matter how tragic it should never be forgotten.

Every year we hold memorial cerimonies. They are held in towns everwhere, and schools across teh country. Vetrens come to each cerimony to speak and remember evey man, women, or child that died.

I don't know if these kind of things are held in other countries across the world. They might be or they might not be. Offical or not you should all take the time to remember the people who faught and died. It doesn't matter if they where allies, or enimies of your country. It does't matter if you choose to remember someone from the Great War who faught for Germeny. Anyone who died in war dies for their coutry. No matter what country they all died for it.

Each and everyone of you should on November 11th 2o1o take at the very least a minute out of your day to remember. To pay respects for every soul that died fighting. Men women or children in countries that aren't your own should be respected and remembered.

We call this day Memorial day.

I ask all you all to take part in this day. Its somber yes. But worth it. War is something we should never forget. Even if your country lost a war it is not to forget. Anyone who died shoudl not be forgotten.

Today the millions of people who died are not statistics anymore. They are people. They are men. Women. Children. Wifes. Husbands. Sisters. Brothers. Mothers. Fathers. Each and every one of them an induvidual. A person. Not just a number.

So remember these people.

The people that are buried all across the world.

And the ones that living at home.

November 11th

