Love by your Lover

"What ever you do; say it with a smile"

Soo..... I was cleaning up my house a little after work. And you wouldn't believe how the stuff piles up in my kitchen cupboards here! I have so much papers from who knows how long ago. But I think the most shocking thing I found was a nondiscript envelople. Best part about it? It holds Adens long long ''Something New'' chapters.

Bet yea wishen' I never printed out all 15 chapters of it aren't you Aden?

Anyway- this is going to be one of my really really long posts. I love those! So full of ranting and basicly nothing of intrest!

And for our first order of the night!

Patrick Burns, April 4, 1952 – November 19, 2010.
""[A] National Hockey League head coach. Over 14 seasons between 1988 and 2004, he achieved a record of 501-350-161-14 in 1,019 games with the Montreal Canadiens, Toronto Maple Leafs, Boston Bruins and New Jersey Devils. Burns retired in 2005 after recurring battles with cancer, which eventually claimed his life.""

I know that its a little late to even be posting something about this, and I didn't even pay that much attention to most of his life. But for someone who is as great as he was- and for someone who did so much for the Game deserves a little mention. As short as it is. We'll miss yea Pat Burns.

I think all the requests and commisions are pretty much done for right now. Remind me to change that later. I've got alot to do art wise right now. A challenge I did ended a little while back so I have to hand out prizes for people. One of which includes a real life drawing which I think is going to go horribly horrible wrong. I really don't want to see the results for THAT ONE.

In other news is it just me- or is all the artits suddenly getting really really amazing? Not that you guys aren't ushally like that: but DAMN guys! My favourite selection thingy on here can't take much more of this! So many pretty wallpapers and art!


I also finished Fable III. Short game eh? Didn't like it as much as the second one. I think they dumbed it up a little? Is that just me? Have I already said this? Am I the one thats dumb? I'm not sure. Open to disscusion on this bit here.

Also- does anyone know what happened to Huyen Diep? She was an amazing artist! I have no idea why she left either! That makes me sad not to see here.... Hope shes okay!

Also before you all leave. Go and enter this challenge. The prizes are really really really cool. I'd do it myself- but I'm mega overwelmed with work and all of that right now. ITS TERRIBLE.

Also- while i'm here. GO SHOW THIS MAN SOME LOVE! I heard hes feeling somewhat down a little lately! So go draw him a picture or make him a pretty card! I think the boy needs it!! GO GO GO! BE NICE AND GOOOOOOO!

I think hes going to hate me for that....

Oh well.
