
If you guys can't tell already my WORLD is a tad bit under constrution right now. I'm uploading a bunch of things over on devART, so my time has been taken up by that right now. I'm suprised I'm even doing anything there; laziest person ever there I think. Only photography will go up over there I think. *grins* Shameless plug in case you missed that.

I'm not sure what to put in here to make it meaningful and awesome. I feel like napping until March right now. Stupid snow.

I guess for your random dose of awesomeness today I'll spam all with a web comic. Its by a fellow theOtaku memember so I think we should all support her in this. Although I don't remember who said member is.

My brain died.

Also while we are on the subject of. Well okay. This has nothing to do with the prevouse subject at all.

"Few artists are man/woman enough to openly answer any and all questions thrown at them. Are you? Prove it. Copy/Paste this as a new WORLD entry and answer every question you get.
The rules are simple:

-You must answer every question you get no matter what it's about and you must do so honestly.
-There are no questions that can not be asked as long as they are within the rules of theOtaku. They can be personal, about oc's, and every thing in between."
-Ask me however many you want

Yea yea ask me ask me!!
