
TheOtaku.com has finaly finished their updates. Adam's been talking about how he wanted to update pages under fan art and wallpapers. I'm glad they finaly got around to it.

I can't tell if I dig the new changes or not; but I think I'll grow to like it. I read some of the earlier idea on something like that and I think it does allow people to see artists that don't get checked out because they get pushed to back of the submission list. I also just happen to really dig the way it looks. Makes me feel high tech and cool when I look at it.

Although I have no idea how to work any of said new features; I'm sure i'll get around to it. Can't tell if most 'active fan art' still counts for twenty four hours active. And if 'new fan art' still also means in a span of twenty four hours. I may never find out lets face it; I'm technoligy challenged.

Still looks cool though.
So high tech!

Ps-- of they do that sort of things with my backroom I will be blow away, amazed and uber confused. I shall have no idea how to do anything and most likely you will never hear from me again for I will be lost in my backroom. So lost....

Pps--- my WORLD is still under construction. Sorry for the extremly long wait. Again. I'm good at that.

Ppps---- i wonder how many people know what 'ps' even means.
