You the reader

What's your name?
Matt Tsuki

Nineteen going on twenty

What country do you live in?
Canada! That big place next to the U.S. of A.

Do you like it?
I love it until it snows. Then we fight.

Where is your dream vacation?
Winning the lottery shortly followed by a trip to Chapters.

Do you enjoy camping?
Oh yea man. REAL camping that is. None of this RV, trailer crap.

Boy or girl?
Thats for me to know and you to find out.

What color are your eyes?
Greeeen... I think. O.oxim

Do you care a lot about the way you look?
Nooot really.

Do you consider yourself attractive?
Yea sure I'll dig it.

What compliment do you recieve most often?
Uhhhhh... You know I don't really *get* compliments....

Are you a camera whore?
Naaaaah. I'm the camrea man!

Regular whore?

Who is your best friend?
Aden Reese

How long have you been friends?
Back when imaginary friends where cool. XD

What do you love most about him/her?
Hes a idiot. Loveable one but still an idiot.

Do you fight a lot?
Well duuuuh. Who doesn't?

Do you have a lot of friends?
No....? Yes....?

If you had to label yourself, what would you say?
I don't like boxes. *traces box with fingers in air*

Are you more likely to be called a loser or a slut?
Depends who you ask. XD My friendlies call me a loser- my family a slut. XD

Are you in high school?
Nope- graded ages ago.

Do you hate drama?
Like- the class or the ''thing''?

What is your favorite animal?
Things in the ocean. Jelly fish, coral that stuff.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Will you be an old cat lady in the future?
Most likely yes.

What is your favorite color?

Are you overweight?
by exactly 10lbs!


What's your favorite snack?

Do you frequent starbucks?
Like the store???

What do you buy there?
Nothing. To busy in Chapters. XD

What genre of music is your favorie?
Music music. By that I mean. IT ALLLLLL

What are your favorite bands?
The Cars, the Beatles, the Who, Guess Who, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Van Halen, Malice Mizer, CAKE, Oasis, the Cure, LUNA SEA....

Have you ever seen any live?
Never even been to a concert. XD

Do you love the summertime?
Like; in the summer, or is that some new thing i've never heard of?

What are your favorite summer activities?
Not sitting in poeples gardens eating their food what? O.oxim

Do you have a job?
Yes Ma'am! ... Sir?

Do you work a lot?
Yeeesssssss it terrible T_T

Do you like it or hate it?
I love it when I'm not hateing it. XD

If you could be any age, how old would you be?

Are you more excited or scared for the future?

Are you more of a "bad kid" or a "good kid"?
Depends who you ask.....

Do you drink, smoke, or do any drugs?

If not, do you want to?

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Rum. Nom nom. :3

have you ever been drunk?
Not to current memory.

Do you have any friends you hate?

Do you wish you had more friends?
No shoudl I?

What is your sexual orientation?
Straight as a bendy ruler!

Do you believe everyone is bisexual?
No....? Thats a weird question.....

Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
Yea. I'm terrible with that!

what is your favorite academic subject?
Anything not requiring numbers.

Do you wish you were famous?
Naaaah. I'm happy being a loser.XD

What's your favorite store in the mall?
Chapters..... :3

Do you shop at stereotypical stores like Abercrombie, Hollister, etc?
This sounds lame but- who?

What is your favorite clothing style?
The cheap stuff. XD

do you have a lot of clothes?
Naaaah. Got what I need!

Do you buy a lot of expensive clothes?
Can't afford to. XD

What do you want your career to be?
My current one?

Are you a nihilist?

Did you have to look that term up?
I didn't but I should XD

What kind of phone do you have?
One of them ones with a cord.

what does the last text you recieved say?
People don't txt me T_T

What did you reply?

What were you talking about?
Myself. T_T

What's the last thing you said outloud?
QUICK HIGH FIVE! *high fives self*

Do you really laugh out loud when you say LOL?
I don't say LOL. It makes me uber angery. -.-'

how much time do you spend on the computer everyday?
At least an hour.

Do you have a facebook?
Some where... I think.....

do you love it or hate it?
Take it or leave it. Look what it did for Egypt.

Do you ever go on chatroulette?
the who-an-what?

What are your favorite online sites?
TheO, Blank It Comics, Sandra and Woo, buttersafe

What does your daily routine consist of?
You want the detailed one, or the vague one?

Do you hate getting up early?
Ugggggg yessssssss

do you have a lot of fun on the weekend?

Is your family close?

Is it dysfunctional?
Only as much as YOURS *points to reader*

Do you have a lot of siblings?
No... T_T

Do you go on im a lot?
Uhhhh... yea i guess so.

what is your favorite IM program?
MSN. Old school mate

Do you save IM logs?
Nah- i don't think so at least....

Were you a different person two years ago?
Nooo... i don't remember.....

Do you like yourself better now, or then?

Would you say you're mature or immature for your age?

Are you smart?

Or are you one of those dumb kids who are too dumb to realize they're dumb?
I know people ike that.... *happy sigh*

Are you a nice person or are you mean?
I try to be nice. Sometimes it works... sometimes....Not so much.

Do you tell it how it is?
Yes Ma'am! .... Sir?

Describe your personality in 3 words.
Spider in the brain.

Do others misunderstand you?
I don't know yes?

Are you in school?
Nope! (yaaaaaaay)

Do you enjoy school?
I did when I was! In school

Do you prefer the academic or social part of school?

What are your favorite classes?
What this seems familer.....

Do you talk to your teachers?
Don't you have to...???

Are you single or taken?

If you're single, do you wish you were taken?

What's your sexual orientation?
STraight as a bendy ruler!... Wait a minute...

What's your favorite brand of soap?

Do you like chocolate cake?

Or do you prefer vanilla?

Do you like Top 40 music?
Yes I have the radio on all the time

What's your favorite song right now?
Baaaaaaah... dun have one...

Do you listen to a lot of old bands?
Yes i do!

What features do you find most attractive in a boy or girl?
I have a thing with hair....

Do you play video games?

What are your favorite games?
I'm a Renosance of fate/white knight cronicles/dead space 2 kick

Favorite platforms?

do you play computer games?
I pretend to but my poor computer can't handle them T_T

What are your favorite games?
do you have a short attention span?

Are you an avid reader?

What are your favorite authors?
James Clavell

Favorite books?
Asian Saga

Do you watch youtube videos a lot?
That place hates me.. T_T

Who are your favorite youtubers?
I don't know....?

Least favorite youtubers?
I don't know....?

Are you subscribed to a lot of channels?
Do you mean Tv???

Do you upload videos?

Do you have a lot of views?
On what?

Are you a troll?
Ahaha... yes. In both senses of the word.

Have you ever jumped off a waterfall?
A small one. XD

Have you ever been to a bar?

Have you ever been kissed?

Are you religious?


Or are you an athiest?
Ya I'll dig it

Do you spend a lot of time outside?
Off an on.

What's your least favorite insect?
Ummmm. Daddy Long Legs.

Do you exercise a lot?
Ehhhhh... Yea I'd say so

How far can you run without stopping?
Not far. I'm a sprinter. XD

Do you play any sports?

Do you do any volunteer work?
No. XD

Do you consider yourself a good person?
Ehhhh. There and not there

Are you happy?

What are your hobbies?

Do you have a tan?
Farmers tan. XD

If so, do you go to a tanning salon?
Nah, not to big on that stuff

Do you dye your hair a lot?
Yes- unatural colours. XD

Can you remember what your natural hair color is?

Can you drive?

Do you have a license?

Do you recycle?
Annnnd I compost!

All the time?
As much as I can

Do you sneeze in a cute way or in a loud way?
So loud it echos. XD

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Have you ever snuck out?
no won't even TRY

Are barely ever at home, or are you home a lot?
Even steven

Have you ever lived away from home?
not yet

What's one of your favorite memories?
I don't remember? Can I use that exscuse?

What's something upcoming that you're excited for?

What time is it?

Is there something you should be doing right now?
Working... <<>>

Do you have to get up early tomorrow?
No.... maybe. Yes. Damnit!

Is today a good day?
I can dig it.

What's your favorite food?
Asain food. :3

Can you tell this is my first survey?
Yes. You are often repeating yourself. Wait. Who are you?

What's your favorite holiday?
St Patty's day!

What's your biggest goal?
Uhh..... I don't know?

