*~Warning, rated pg13 or M depending on who you are. Explicit swearing~*
So lets take a look here. I firts found about thing this from our lovely resident ecnelisterger. Most of you know him; nice guy bit looney but all around good guy. I was ghosting his portfolio and WORLDS when I stumbled opun this little piece of gold.
I want to direct to the most important link out of that. This one. To really understand the entirty of this rant it woudl be advised if you read that. Of course I'm sure you can swing it without reading.
Lets get the record striaght. Lumping togeather every member who said basicly the same thing. we'll call them 'You'.
You go on and on about how 'Its Karma Bitch. Pearl Harbour.', or about how the death toll is higher with Pearl Harbour than the current Tsunami(I will say Tsunami here because the earthquake wassn't really a issue in Japan, the Tsunami was). I looked around and Wiki states that the overall death toll reached 2,350, including 68 civilians, and 1,178 injured for pearl Harbour.
Now I don't know the current death toll for the Tsunami crisis; but I imagine that it hassn't stopped and it isn't as large as Pearl Harbour.
Your saying its Karma though? That is highly narrow minded.
What about Nagasaki, and Hiroshima?
Whats the death toll on that? I looked around and the death toll for Hiroshima was around 135,000, and Nagasaki 64,000 people. Isn't that your Karma right there?
Sure both bombings where terrible, terrible things and every human loss will be morned. But can you really say that its 'an act of God'? I don't recall hearing anything about the few(comparitivly speaking) thousand deaths at Pearl harbour being anything that God did. Or what ever religion that Japan majors in, I can not be sure of that.
I don't mean to garner more hate twords the americans, they have quite a lovely country and some truely lovely ideals. But I would not want to live in a country where, when a natual desister happens You sit back and say, 'Karma! God got you back!'.
The only person who brought up anything truely worth mention is, who I presume is a man, Mr Patrick James Dunlevy. He brought up the point that Japan did not send aid when Americans were dying during Hurricane Katrina. In fact Japan did send aid. Wiki states in this article that, "The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 in cash to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $800,000 in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for such assistance. Private and corporate donations totaled over $13 million.[33] One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD $1 million from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts.".
And you killed roughly 139,000 people with two Atomic bombs and they still helped You. Sorry Mr Dunlevy, your where quiet wrong with that statement.
Also, when You get hit by the catalyst earthquake along the Pacifc Coast line, you might be asking for a little help from Japan too. After all Japan was lucky. They know these things happens and tend to plan for them. Earthquakes are not so planned for in North America, after all why plan for something that doesn't happens that often?
To clear things up:
I ask anyone who wants to or feels the need to, to argue aganst this. I am more than happy to correct mysef if anything thing I said was incorrect. I mean in a factual way, not in a 'YOUZ WRONG BITCH!' way. That in unnessesary and won't garner my attention. Make a vaild argument and back it up with facts and logic.
What also important is that I want it to be clear that I am NOT lumping togeather Americans. It may seem that way from time to time but I am not. I am directing this twords every person on this page, and when I say 'you' I mean these people. I want to clear that up, I live quite close to the American border and I have nothing aganst them.
Also, if I have offended any one here for what ever reason please drop me a line and I will eaither apologize or explain why I said what offended you. Some things require an apology, some things require clearing up and I will decide which is which. I don't want to soudn mean, but I tend to think with a unemotional, clear logical mind. And that gets me in deep shit most of the time because of my clear lack of feeling.
Any other questions let me know, I'm happy to answer.