My father the TERRORIST

Well okay he isn't really. But sometimes I wonder when he comes up with some wild hare-brained scemes like he does.

Since I really can't do much around here (s'right guys computers still broken. Use'n a mates computer) I thought I'd try my hand at writing again. 'Course now I can't think of anything to WRITE. So i'm opening my brain up to whatever you guys want to throw at me. Please anything!!! I want to get rid of this silly little (HA!) writers block as soon as humanly possible with little writing exersizes.

Want me to write about your OC? Just rant about what they're like and I'll try! No more than one though mate- SIMPLE. Or if you just want to stump me tell me to write about something- one word only though mate!


Also I'm bored and have no one to talk to.

I'm dooooomed
