Minna-san konnichiwa Kumagai Keiko desu! Dozo yoroshiku! Welcome to my World! I talk about the Twilight series, Japanese trends, How to speak Japanese, Anime, Video Games, stuff like that! There'll be a BAND OF THE WEEK, a TREND OF THE WEEK, or a little something on HOW TO SPEAK JAPANESE or FRENCH almost every week! Not to mention the occasional post of my life!

~*Contact me*~




GaiaOnline-Keiko Kumagai

MyOtaku-Nana Osaki

MySpace-::.Twilight Lolita.::

Find me now at my new world Immokalei and screen name! Screen name will be SovereignOfKaosu


Look me up :D

FIND ME NOW AT MY NEW WORLD IMMOKALEI AND SCREEN NAME! Screen name will either be SovereignOfKaosu or Ruki. Look me up :D

Y Hallo Thar

I might be coming back :D And I'm freaking changing the layout ಠ_ಠ Or making a new world altogether. No more Twilight. I need ideas though D: Anywho, no college yet, gotta find a job first. Too bad all the old people are getting hired and all the young people are getting cast aside -_-

In a few weeks I get to see my boyfriend, Matt :3 We'll be spending our first New Years together :D And I'm also working on my first digital painting...since I haven't really drawn anything in MONTHS. I'm turning 19 in a couple of months :3 YAY OLDNESS!

Comments aren't working for me ;_____;

FIND ME NOW AT MY NEW WORLD IMMOKALEI AND SCREEN NAME! Screen name will either be SovereignOfKaosu or Ruki. Look me up :D


Hey all who actually read this. Twilight Lolita is on hiatus until further notice. I just didn't have time to update with senior year, and I know I won't with college coming up. Sorry guys.

LiveJournal...and Tomorrow's the Big Day!

I Know What You Are

'Ello! I now have a LiveJournal, but I'm still trying to figure things out on there. But you can go ahead and add me if you want! I'm TwilightLolita on there! Simple, huh? XD I think I'll be on there more than I am on here....but just a tad more^^

Oh! And don't forget that Twilight hits theaters at midnight! I get to see it on Saturday, but that's okay! I'm sure it'll be an awesome film, but remember that it's VERY rare that movies follow the books they're based on exactly! Of course the running scenes and the meadow scene will probably look foolish, but that's to be expected. Hollywood can't make everything look believable!

MTV's Spoilers- "ALRIGHT, SHUTUP!"

New Twilight footage appeared on MTV's Spoilers a few days ago! And the interview with the cast was hilarious! Rob totally laughed like a maniac after he screamed at everyone to shutup! XD I don't think I'll post that one though, I think I'll just post the new 'Van Scene'; and I can't wait to see the movie on Saturday, BTW^^ Anywho, here's the Van scene where Tyler loses control of his van and almost kills Bella, until Edward saves her! *squeal*