I might be coming back :D And I'm freaking changing the layout ಠ_ಠ Or making a new world altogether. No more Twilight. I need ideas though D: Anywho, no college yet, gotta find a job first. Too bad all the old people are getting hired and all the young people are getting cast aside -_-
In a few weeks I get to see my boyfriend, Matt :3 We'll be spending our first New Years together :D And I'm also working on my first digital painting...since I haven't really drawn anything in MONTHS. I'm turning 19 in a couple of months :3 YAY OLDNESS!
Comments aren't working for me ;_____;
FIND ME NOW AT MY NEW WORLD IMMOKALEI AND SCREEN NAME! Screen name will either be SovereignOfKaosu or Ruki. Look me up :D