Band of the Week~LuLu!!!!

Lulu-Seishin Chintsuuzai[PV]

The band members are~~~~~~

  • (VO)Taa-san - Director
  • (GU)Kaito - Internal medicine
  • (GU)Tatsurou - Psychiatry
  • (BA)Yu-ki - Pediatrics
  • (DR)Shousei - Dental Surgeon

Konnichi wa minna-san!! It's time for the Band of the Week! I'm picking another little known band, because that's what I like to do: band promotion! They have an AMAZING sound that is very unique!! Kind of like how Nirvana was to the US!! Their new mini album, Dr. STERBEN (Dr. Death) was released on April 23rd under Nippon Crown label. NOW THEY HAVE THE CHANCE FOR A BIGGER FAN BASE!! But still, little is known about them! You can try to try and find out more, though 99.9% of it is in Japanese.
