So today I ate deer jerky...and got scared shitless

Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles Full Opening Cinematic friend brought deer jerky for me to try. IT WAS GEWD. I admit it. I ate Bambi! But it was delicious! Also, some of my friends were kicking big-ass mushrooms at each other! IT WAS HILARIOUS!! AND--we tagged the moo cows today in 1st, and since there are like 6 of us who aren't lazy and ride in the wagon thingy that's slow as hell, we beat the ones who rode. So, we were the first ones in the classroom, and I got a drink from the machine. Well, Will decided to go ahead of us and apparently he hid behind the door and scooted the trash can wheely-thing out in front of us, and I SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER!! A teacher came out and was all cool about it. For those who don't know, I'm the easiest person in the world to scare!...And my kitty who's lying in my lap just bit me...with his two teeth. 0.o
