'Ello! I still haven't posted anything about my Halloween! And about my new purchases! I'm so bad! Now to start! I wasn't actually planning on going out, so I decided to go as a Cullen at the last minute. All I did was put purple eyeshadow under my eyes, and I must admit, it looked pretty kickass. SO~ I picked up Lulu and then after we parked we met up with everyone by the courthouse, and went on our merry way to have some fun. We decided to go into a tunnel that is on the side of the road that led all the way back to the courthouse. Let me tell you, IT WAS FUCKING DARK AS HELL! I couldn't see a thing. Lulu and I were like "LOLOLOLOLOL!!" the entire time! It was amazing! Then we went by the library and up a long ass road to play on the playset that was behind the Storytelling place-thing. We stayed there for like, 10 minutes and then started off to get Jessica's bag back by the tunnel. Well, then we kinda split up and all ended up back at the courthouse somehow. We were supposed to go into the cemetary, but I forgot why we didn't. So to conclude this little story, we got pissed off because apperently you have to be 12 and under to legally go trick-or-treating....so we sulked at the courthouse and waited for Jessica's ride to come and get her. BUT~ we did wave to random people in cars who were driving by!^^ AND A SILVER VOLVO DROVE BY!! So of course I waved to the driver~ What can I say? I like silver Volvos^^ Which leads me to the stuff I got today! Well, we went to the mall to pick up the Twilight soundtrack that we preordered, and I decided to get 2 more posters and a keychain! The keychain says "Stupid Lamb" on one side and "Masochistic Lion" on the other. And the 2 new posters are the closeup of Bella and Edward, and the first poster for the movie! So now I have 4 Twilight posters! I ish so happeh!
ALL HALLOW'S EVEWAS EPIC!! And I gots something~