Holly D:

My sister's dog (family but we call her my sister's) Holly got sick. I won't go into details because its gross, but she ate some socks, and she can't get rid of them. She didn't move when me or my mom calle dher across the room, and when she did get up, she got sick. So we took her last night to an urgent care animal place, and we stayed there for like two hours. She had to be admitted into surgery that night, and we were crying, because she could die, from a perferrated intestine, but long story short, we got home at eleven, so we got to sleep in, and go into school late. That was nice, but I had to wear my hair wavy. Ugh. It looked stupid.
But my dog is going to live. I don't see any reason why not since the surgery went well, and she is livelier today.Which is great. She sould be back by either Wednesday or Thursday.
