Horse Update

Bailey- cribs (sucks wind) like a Maniac. We don't want him because of that. Cribbing can kill a horse
Jay- he is an arabian saddlebred cross, almost bucked off his owner when cantering. I didn't ride him.
Jack- Was amazing, I cantered on him, trot, lope, walk. He is the best horse yet. I fell in love with him. We are still considereing him, but he has to have hock injections, and takes bute, a pain killer. We are going to talk to his vet to see if he will go lame. My mom treats him like hes already lame. I guess maybe that crosses him off the list, but his name is still on it if he won't go lame soon.
I love him. He's gorgeous, tall, fit, dark, and people have mistaken him for a thoroughbred by his looks. He is the most gorgeous animal I've ever laid my eyes on. Of course, thats because he is a horse we might buy, and because he is broken great.
I love him.
Other than all that, we might go up to this super special horse show today, and take Lace along. Stay all night in a hotel, and then have a whole day off it tomorow too. It's really close to Jack. Have I mentioned I love him?
By the way, this is NOT me in the picture. It is Jack. Isn't he gorgeous?
