
I haven't slept a wink =____=;;. My Gramma says I'm torturing my body...
In truth, my legs are always the first to suffer total energy loss. And they have. x____X Next is usually my arms (they're slowly being affected, tiz hard for me to type properly. (( gogler.ckm)) that's how I type after not sleeping for days). And my head slowly gets stu-pi-der-er. errrrrrrrrrrrr!.
BUT WHO CARES?! @____@ ..i should....


More random crap is coming your way folkes...
Like right this second:

I remember when Shinobi 1995 made me watch this episode of Billy and Mandy coz he knew I'd laff. N' I did v__v (sad, I know. So is my life). I laff at pretty much everything, and can't help myself with these videos XD SO JO0 SHALL LAFF TOOO0O00OO

Oh yeah, muziq and then watching Onegai Teacher helped me stay awake. I got up to episode 8 and saw the light coing through my blinds. So I got off my bum and took a shower. gah. refreshment. *sparkle sparkle*

The oversized killer tank just wasn't enough >] He wants to do some of the dirty work with his lil sword *laffs* hehe. I would too.

