Happy heart month peoples~! I'm sure many of you don't think it's a really holiday, but I count it among my favorites! It's adorable, really....as long as no one wants to be a jerk and start slobbering in their partner's mouth in public. DX THERE IS A DIGNIFIED WAY TO KISS, DANG YOU. I AS PRINCESS COMMAND YOU TO KISS PROPERLY.

*smooths hair back into place*


So I've been thinking of what to do for my seventeenth birthday because it's coming up- less than two months away- and if I want to do something big, I should start thinking now. Last year I did absolutely nothing for my sweet sixteen- which is okay, but kind of boring. Cher bear suggested I go the Shedd Aquarium (I live near Chicago) to see all of the random squids, fishies and jellyfish, but I go there all of the time. What I was really thinking about was going to an anime convention....but if I do go, I DON'T KNOW WHO TO GO AS DX

I need someone with an outfit that isn't too complicated who has long hair...and is a girl. :I And they can't show off their bodies too much- my parents are coming with me. LOL

Any ideas?

